Advanced Product Quality Planning & Production Part Approval Process

APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) is a framework of procedures and techniques used to develop and manufacture products within the automotive and aerospace industries.  APQP includes 5 phases, each of which having pre-defined inputs & outputs.

The result of the APQP activities is a submitted PPAP (Production Part Approval Process). PPAP is the standardized process in the automotive and aerospace industries that is used to help manufacturers and suppliers approve and control the production of products.

There are 5 recognized levels of PPAP submissions (each individual customer dictates the submission level they require).  Each level includes a predefined list of documents and articles required for a PPAP Submission.

How McDae Can Help

McDae’s APQP/PPAP experts can work with your team to walk you through every phase of the APQP process which includes the creation of the required documentation and generation of required records. 

Including but not limited to:

  • APQP/PPAP Awareness Training 
  • Generating DFMEA’s & PFMEA’s
  • Creating Manufacturing Process Flowcharts
  • Populating Control Plans
  • Conducting Gage R&R Studies